Introduction to Syncing with Salesforce

There is a unique group of pros inn the Salesforce world who have discovered the power of using Google Sheets for their data cleaning tasks. This post aims to bring this lesser-known fact to light by outlining the specifics of how Google Sheets, when enhanced with add-ons like Flookup, can be a valuable asset in the Salesforce toolkit. If you’re a Salesforce professional dealing with data cleaning or someone interested in innovative data management solutions, this exploration might prove beneficial.

SOURCE: Google. (2018). "Import, edit & sync Salesforce data with Google Sheets". [Article] Google Workspace Learning Center. Available at: [Accessed 26 May 2023]

Step 1: Download add-on

Step 2: Connect to Salesforce

Import data

You can copy data from Salesforce to a Google spreadsheet.

Update, refresh and delete data

Important: The add-on can be used to update or delete changes made in Google Sheets in your Salesforce account; use with caution.

Update data

You can edit data in your Google spreadsheet and transfer the changes to Salesforce.

Refresh data

You can refresh your data manually or on a set schedule for reports already imported into Sheets.

Delete data

Important: This feature will delete the records you highlight in Sheets from Salesforce; use with caution. Visit the Salesforce help center to learn how to restore deleted data.