Introduction to Making API Calls

This feature is only available on the Flookup Professional Plus plan and, therefore, you will need to authenticate the project in order to make API calls to our web app. The API exposes the lookup, match and dedupe functions of Flookup.

In order access these functions, you will need to interact with our web app using the UrlFetchApp function. The endpoint URL will be sent to your PayPal email address immediately after you activate your free trial or subscription. If you do not receive any email from us within 1 minute of your subscription, please get in touch with us immediately.

Plan Features

Due to the nature of this project, this particular plan will automatically renew every month until you cancel your subscription in order to provide an uninterrupted service.

Here are the key differentiating factors to expect from the Flookup Professional Plus plan:

How to Make API Calls from Apps Script

An image showing how to make an API call using UrlFetchApp in Google Apps Script.

In this example, our assumption is that the function "addNumbers" is one of the exposed API functions.

In order to call this function from your project, you will need to write your calling function as illustrated here.

Take note of the required variables like the endpoint URL, the function name, the function parameters and arguments.

Do not forget to convert your response variable using the JSON.parse() method.

The API response is an object with the following properties:


Parameters: [user_id] 

This function synchronises with the Flookup database to establish whether your subscription is active or inactive. You must run it at the beginning or your subscription or if you change your subscriber details but you only need to run it once.

Your user_id can be found in the confirmation email we sent you immediately after you subscribed.


Parameters: [profile_id] 

Use CancelSub to cancel your Flookup Professional Plus subscription. If you have any other active Flookup subscriptions, running this function will not cancel them.

When you execute this function, a message will be displayed confirming whether the subscription was successful or not. Successful cancellations are further verified with an email from PayPal.

Your profile_id can be found in the confirmation email that PayPal sent you immediately after you subscribed.


Parameters: [lookup_value, table_array, lookup_col, index_num, threshold]

Use the FuzzyLookup function to search for a value in any column of a range of cells, and then return a match from a specified column of that same range of cells.

FuzzyLookup Parameters


Parameters: [lookup_value, table_array, lookup_col, index_num]

Use the SoundMatch function to lookup values in any column and return values based on the Soundex algorithm for comparing strings are pronounced in English.

SoundMatch Parameters


Parameters: [col_array, index_num, threshold, operation]

You can use the uList function to return unique values from any list of text entries based on their relative percentage or sound similarities.

uList Parameters

Error Handling


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