Introduction to Removing Duplicates

To remove duplicates from a single column using Flookup, go to Extensions > Flookup Data Wrangler > Remove duplicates in your spreadsheet menu.

Removing Duplicates by Percentage or Sound Similarity

Key Points on  Removing Duplicates

How to Remove Duplicates Across Two Different Columns

Key Points on Removing Duplicates Across Different Columns

How to Remove Duplicate Rows

To remove duplicate rows by considering all columns within the selection e.g. comparing A2:E2 to A3:E3 for similarity, simply follow these steps:

How to Roll Up Data in Duplicate Rows

To combine or concatenate duplicate rows by considering all columns within the selection e.g. combining A2:E2 , A3:E3 and A4:E4, simply follow these steps:


Key Points on ULIST